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Sunday 15 June 2014

What are fossils?

Me, looking for fossils...

What are fossils?

Fossils are stoned versions of animals and plants that used to live long ago in the past but nowadays the animal is EXTINCT. But the only bit of the animal is left is the fossil.

I have written the following poem about fossils, that tells you what fossils are:


Where can you normally find fossils?

Where can you normally find fossils you might  be wondering where fossils are found regularly well heres a list of places  that you can find LOADS of fossils;

Fossil locations in the UK

Fossils around the world

More beautiful pictures about fossils:
Pics of fossils
Fossils pics on

Saturday 14 June 2014



Gastropods are fossils of a kind of snail and are family of the slugs and snails that nowadays eat the lettuce in our garden :(



Trilobites is a group of creatures that lived in the sea.  They lived from 520 million years ago till 251 million years ago.

Scientists give all these different periods a long time ago different names. For example from 520 million years ago till 500 million years ago  is called the cambrian period. Over time the trilobite family transformed quickly (see below):

Fish fossils


Fish fossils is a piece of stone and in the middle is a fish. (this is a fish fossil)        -> -> -> ->->

Sometimes people find fish fossils on land far away from sea and even in  the mountains. That means that there used to be seas on places where there is land with fish fossils now.

See the video bellow how the earth changed from time to time in the last 600 million years:



Ammonites are creatures that used to live in the  seas. They lived till about 65 million years ago like about when the dinosaurs where starting to be extinct.  Are you wondering how a ammonite turned into a fossil well it all goes like this after about time fishes start eating the skin so then it all gets eaten up so all that gets left is the actual  body fossil.

Friday 13 June 2014

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin was a scientist who was interested in animals and fossils:

With fossils he formed a theory about animals that lived long time ago and how they evolved in other animals.

In his theory ALL plants and animals have evolved from the same small creature during hundreds of millions years.

Me, visiting Charles Darwin's house close to London

Now Charles Darwin has become so famous that he was put on the 10 pound bank note.